in the past day or so it came to my attention that a person i know is indeed in direct violation of the "abusing the rite" code of stupidity. yes, thats right, everyone has the rite to be stupid on occasion but most people abuse that rite.
this vaginal reject in question is really in dire need of a swift kick in the jeans.
imagine, if you will, a pretend grown up who lacks the simple ability to conclude that their short term goals are well out of their reach. not just a little out of their reach but RIDICULOUSLY out of their reach.
someone who thinks they can afford:
an apartment
a phone bill (with web & data)
a car payment ($200+ a month)
car insurance ($170+ a month)
personal items
on a pitiful $600 a month is a blatant idiot if there ever was one. keep in mind this person also can't keep their legs closed or themself from getting beaten repeatedly by the "love of their life".
if you think you've had a migraine, try simply knowing this absolutely fucking stupid walking ejaculation.
sometimes a blowjob isn't such a bad idea. this is one of those cases.