well, after a lost post and a long night of too many energy drinks and laughing at white people it's back to business as usual.
i've posted about people before and will continue to do so in the future simply because i can, will and do so enjoy it with the passion of a thousand suns. i'm a natural born teller of tales and i keep the facts straight while doing so. nothing is funnier than the truth. nothing.
after my post the other night i thought i'd give the person a head's up and i linked it to them. her reply was simple and to the point:
"Not really interested in what you have to say about me so I will not be reading this. Thanks all the same."
i was oh so proud, you know, her being a grown up about it all so i did the same thing and replied back saying this to her:
"eh, okay, fair enough. kept it clean and no names were used."
that was that, end of conversation and the evening could go on. oh that's right i'm mistaken that there was nothing left to say in that situation.
i linked, she said "no thanks", i said okay. the fucking end, right? nope. she went off the deep end, sending a paragraph (which i will reproduce for you verbatim) in some sad and feeble attempt to crucify me with hitler's entire skeletal system. to say she fail is an understatement. however, she has fueled a fire that was damn near dead...oops!
so, i shall give you the paragraph then i shall rip into her like never before.
"I dont know why you would think I'd be more interested in that one, than the other one that you wrote about me. The one you "feel no remorse about" since "I was so crazy" for...believing you werent a total scumbag? Trying to give you a chance? Yep, I'm such a bitch and you sure showed me what happens when you try to give, someone like you, the benefit of the doubt. So leave me alone. You've had your fun at my expense, move on to someone else now. I'm sure there were a thousand other girls you were a complete asshole to, for no reason, that would be eager to read your memories of things "you think you remember" them doing. I am not one of them. You're a manipulative jerk. I'm so over talking about this. If you could just leave me alone and stop writing about me that would be cool."
#1. i had to add half the punctuation that is now in that paragraph. leaving out punctuation is like cooking boiled goose: it's disgusting and no one wants to be your friend after witnessing it. it's a good thing we aren't friends now because i would un-facebook her. thats just laziness, pure laziness.
#2. as far as "feel no remorse" for goes: yes, i feel zero remorse for playing a joke on her that she blew way out of proportion. she got spooked by the fact that, my friend and i, had her so convinced that her "gay-dar" was off that she had a mental breakdown. on the side of "i was so crazy" i can say this; it was just a theory before she rampaged through our school, shouting at the top of her lungs and acting like she was crazy. afterward, it was common knowledge that she was beyond bat-shit crazy.
#3.who uses the term "scumbag" these days? who? seriously, where is the creativity when insulting your fellow humans? i read that and immediately lost it. scumbag? what about dickhead, chicken-shit, fuckwad, salad-tosser, cumstain, cunt, pussy-fart, whorebag, taint-wench. if you're going to insult someone, who writes a blog that insults people, you should REALLY be creative or you will be considered open season and be shot down as such. on that note:
please, choke on a throbbing lap rocket, you over dressed fetal typo, who wasted every ounce of useful talent you could've had, getting to the egg. it's a shame that you're the most lively dumpster baby your parents rescued from the wretched snatch your mother has titled her "vagina".
#4. "a thousand other girls". really? i mean as a guy i would like to be able to say that was true but it sure is not. 10, tops, all time. whats better than that is at the time of the joke she was ranked in 2nd place only because i had a thing for Motoko (ghost in the shell) and i still do to this day. so, the mystery 990 other girls: where are they now? better than that: what background information source was she quoting? probably somone who would later be on the second run of the Bush payroll.
#5. "you think you remember" was probably my favorite part considering my slightly above average recale capability. it's not that i think i remember her biting a small gash into the under webbing of my tongue, it's that she DID bite a small gash into the under webbing of my tongue. if needed, i can recall a couple great things that also DID happen with her being involved.
go ahead, "she who shall not be named", test me and see what happens.
#6. i shall leave her alone. that is perfectly fine with me. as for not writing about her: make me. seriously, thats my arguement, fucking make me stop. i don't recall me forcing this blog on her. i sent the link and she OBVIOUSLY read at least the first one. she could've very well noticed the name of the sender, blocked me, deleted the message and taken a ride on her unicorn somewhere over the anxiety pill rainbow. instead she took the step through the door and had it slammed into her face, figuratively speaking of course. so i'll give everyone the links for the two posts she referenced while trying to put me in the corner.
i was prepared to be nice and adult about this but now, i'm just irritated by several aspects of that sad attempt to school me, as you can see by my itemized list of complaints and concerns. with all of that said and done i send this invite out:
Dear Simple Crazy White Girl,
do you want an apology or something? do you want me to answer the questions you have, attempt to smear salve on the wounds i've caused you? are you in need for a good debate over the situation or a reason as to why it had to be you who caught that shit-storm directly in the face?
i will GLADLY go over ALL of it with you, at length, whenever you wish as i'm sure you would vomit your soul out upon seeing me, or become doped up on anxiety meds, we can exchange emails and i will spell it all out for you in plain english.
is that good enough for you? can you handle the truths i'm ready to tell? surely, now that you're a grown up with some hard earned true intelligence, you can stomach the ideas and concepts and emotions of the past explained today.
Your's When You Want Me,