Saturday, April 2, 2011

While The Sun Is Still Up...

yes i know: "rather early for you to be posting paul, are you okay? drunk? falling prey to dementia?" alas, no, none of these are the case. rather i have a brief post i felt the need to make.

we ALL know that what you say can "cause problems" or even "make people hate you". no need for fireworks, this is all common knowledge. also, to tell someone to mind their words is great advice, which i, will now trample all over like a horde of angry bow-legged soccer moms.


i do not claim to be a saint, a role model or even generally a nice person by any stretch of the term "nice". i also DO NO CONDONE violence as a first response. second or third, maybe. fourth and beyond: ABSOLTELY! what you are about to read is GUARENTEED to piss someone off. thats just a fact. the person or people who get pissed off will be in the wrong because they will have skimmed this, not read it completely. so, get offended and on with the show.

as i'm sure you all know there are people in the world who, even having met them only once, make you want to punch the tartar off their fucking teeth. you still with me? good. now imagine knowing someone like that and being unable to make that spiffy little daydream a reality. you could be within arms' length, ready to extend the bitchslap, and find yourself without ammo. these ravenous twats will give you dirty looks (i.e.: the evil eye, stink eye, grit on you etc.) and generally hate you without actually knowing dick about you. like weezy has said (yes, lil wayne is one of many advisors in my life, oddly enough) that "haters be hating but them bitches ain't nothing."

this is a terrifying and completely realistic situation that has happened more than once. sad, but so so true.

in my case it isn't because it wouldn't be fun or a huge load off of my mind, it's because my mother raised me not to slap the dog shit out of ignorant people and especially women. yes, i still follow my mother's advice and i will until the day i die. single mom knows best, most of the time. so fucking bite my american mutt ass.

so now you see where this is going, right? i'm not a domestic abuse advocate but sometimes i can understand why it does happen. especially when someone has beat the breaks off of some loud mouthed cracker broad who thinks she can run her jab from here to next year and not EVENTUALLY have to pay the price for it.

NOTHING IN LIFE IS FREE, NOT EVEN DEATH. want proof? go to a mortician and ask about cremation/burial. its not cheap.

now, it was brought to my attention that a certain person (some of you know this person) was a victim of domestic abuse, probably many times, in the recent past. at first i was ready to call upon the powers that be, take a road trip, and serve up some good old fashion street justice. woot woot, lets go whoop a motherfucker. HOWEVER, now i'm not so sure that it was ALL THE FAULT of the aggressive piece of shit that did cross the line and go physical with the whole thing.

again, i DO NOT CONDONE domestic abuse but i DO UNDERSTAND. understanding isn't a crime, yet.

this person in question proceeded with an extreme amount of small talk with me while giving not only the evil eye but also having, generally, a shitty attitude toward me for no current reason. fuck that bullshit. not only did i hold my tongue and speak only in a non-threatening tone but i was chipper and pleasant to this person. there were no malicious actions/words/tones used on my part at any given time.

now i see why this trick got her face handed to her on several different days.

if you have nerve spasms, emotional disorders or tourettes and can't control the muscle movements of your face or the tone and firing of your mouth, fine, let it be known that this is the case and i'm sure people everywhere will understand and overlook this, without prejudice.

if you don't have any active physical/psychological problems and still continue to be a blatant ass-hat to the people around you then you get zero sympathy and understanding. you are open season and probably the target of some kind of physical/psychological/emotional abuse. sucks to be you, stop being a cunt.

with all of that said i would like to reiterate:

i said nothing rude (used no profanity, name calling, sneaky tones)
i was polite (said "thank you" and "good-bye")
didn't rearrange my face (shoot them a dirty look, stare, glare or throw the evil eye)
kept my cool (didn't swing on, knock the fuck out or spit on them)

so, the next time you find yourself about to drop a bitch for being rude to you just remember the following:

i have a low thresh-hold for stupidity/ignorance/bitches and i can keep my cool and so can you.

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