word junkies, welcome home...kind of...fuck it, make yourself at home.
generally speaking, i am not a politically motivated person. politics are full of politicians and i hate politicians because TECHNICALLY hitler was one.
yes, i am the un-ending, non-advocate of: facism, tiny upper-lip wear, beige uniforms & nazi's. germany is spiffy, just not the times when it was seriously hurting for some jobs and thus mind fucked by an overly emotional, one-nutted, charismatic douche-bag with poor artistic sensibilities.
fuck nazi's, fuck facism, fuck politicians.
you're probably thinking:
"yes, thank you for joining everyone else with a healthy scalp on that issue, but where are you REALLY going with this little spewage?"
as i said, i am not a politically motivated person generally speaking, but i was watching a documentary about the death penalty and the views from both sides. i can say it eye-opening and irritating in so many motherfucking ways that i am glad i do not own a gun or guns.
let me play it out to you:
some people view the death penalty to be "inhumane" and "barbaric" in nature. these people are also, ALMOST ALWAYS, the good christian types that hold up signs that read "God Hates Fags" or "Gays Are A Disease". these are the people i love to hate. LOVE TO HATE i say! i truly think that there is a "base minimum of hate" that has to be in play, in the chess game of life, in order for things to progress forward. i truly think that without the "base minimum of hate" the world would become absolutely fucking boring and we would all "Jonestown it" that fuck out of here.
killing the world, with the jonestown kool-aid of stalemate, is high school geometry boring.
so, the "base minimum of hate" came out in this politcal debate over the "inhumane" and or "barbaric" use of the death penalty in america. it's a laughable notion to think, that if you got served with the death penalty, it is an "inhumane" sentence. i will explain it as a senario for you and ASK you, not DEMAND you, to form your own conclusion and opinion.
a young girl, still able to recount the horrible attack, is raped and left for dead. she manages, BY HER OWN GRACES AND WILL, to get help and is rushed to the emergency room where she gives her statement and is given care.
the rapist is caught and arrested for his crime. the attacker is tried, found guilty and sentenced...but not to death. the young girl is only relieved that he can't do it to anyone else. that is her ONLY justice.
the young girl...
goes through years of therapy
has to take medication daily for anxiety
is tested every six months for long term sexual diseases
goes into rehabilitation for abuse of medication as well as other drugs and alcohol
finally recovers
gets a steady job and works to supress the past
she pays her taxes which then supports the rapist who is in prison for life
well, do you get it?
do you see what "inhumane" is yet?
even after the physical, emotional and psychological trauma that this girl endures into her adulthood, she is still stuck giving more to her attacker than everyone originally thought:
mind, body, psyche, monetary.
now, the people who are against the death penalty are going on some "you can't play God" trip and stating that it "isn't society's place" to take the life of another person, no matter what they did as a crime. really, really?! to rape someone and leave them for dead is taking a life in a more serious way. they have to LIVE WITH IT until they die...eventually. until they take their last breath it will HAUNT them in their days and nights; dreams and nightmares. the life taken wasn't physical but metaphysical, the plane FAITH is SUPPOSED to exist on.
even people who got the death penalty know what justice REALLY is. hell, the rapist and pedophiles get their own "special yard" to play in, due to the fact that even the worst murderers have children...and they have people put down anywhere - anytime.
especially the pedo's...they get the worst treatment...and rightfully so.
my view on the death penalty is this:
if the death penalty is offered as a form of punishment for a guilty party, by the judge or jury, bypass the bullshit and put a fucking $0.07 round in their head.
save me and the victims of their crimes some tax dollars.
it takes months, years, DECADES for someone on death row to actually GET DEATH. that is time wasted and tax dollars sucked up by criminals who can't even give a little something back to the society and people they have runined. at least the crack dealers on the street are able to actively stimulate the economy by buying baking soda and vodka, which is used to boost value of the product they are selling. this then affords them MORE money than the average drug dealer to spend on goods that fuel the economy, like baking soda and vodka. it is a cycle i can go with.
the people in prisons, WAITING IT OUT, after a death penalty is handed down are why people want the motherfuck out of a swift death penalty and protest against "life behind bars".
the life long prison fucks get:
three meals a day
a central air concrete condo
a security system
a maintained exercise yard that borders on obscene
they don't pay for all that shit while they wait for the death penalty, or do life, because it was too "barbaric" to take a CRIMINAL'S life.
so again, your thoughts are your own and i really don't need (or fucking want) your side of things. i just wanted to put it into an outside view for all of those people who associate the death penalty with "middle-manning the almighty lord" in his conquest for souls (which those should be insta-hellbound) and the better choices of mankind.
oh, did anyone else know that people didn't think twice about a death penalty in the bible?
a "stoning" isn't a bunch of disciples smoking pot while jesus is in charge of flint-ing the bong.
it's a death penalty: involving no needles, chemicals or electricity but hurts like a motherfucker, considering a crowd of people is killing you slowly over minutes/hours by pelting you with various sized rocks until your skull breaks or you bleed out.
that is "barbaric" but i can respect that because it shows criminals that some people take doing the right thing seriously, and if you don't, you're going to pay the fucking price.
hope you word junkies out there enjoi'd that semi-political mass of "what the fuck brought that up?"
Deliberating On Your Sentence...With Pie,