Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Quick Observation, If You Will....


i was trolling around the internet's favorite social whoring site and i started to explore the multitude of options that pertainted to the updating of statuses and a question popped into my noggin.

"how does one define 'domestic partnership' as a status?"

i know that if you are represented by a goverment fed animal, if you will, then you may define that term in a different way depending on your life choices.

"domestic partnership (n.) - the act of two homosexuals who share a home or dwelling for extended periods of time."

now that is just the george "dubyah" way of seeing things, but i ask you, can this term also apply to two heterosexuals (involved in parenthood or otherwise) and still hold the same oppressive meaning? to speak frankly: isn't that what every couple in america is in one way or another, excluding single parents on their own, a domestic partnership?

maybe i'm losing my grip on things but what makes it a viable status in the world? can't we change it to "not being fucked on taxes", or maybe even "just not that thrilled about marriage", or better than those two: "wishing people would get the fuck over their close minded inferiority complexes".

whatever the case may be, the term "domestic partnership", to me at least, seems like a sugarc-coated way of saying "over-worded bullshit status".

Domesticly Yours,


1 comment:

  1. "Domestic partnership", I don't mind so much.

    "In a relationship and it's complicated", however, is fucking ridiculous.
