Sunday, September 4, 2011

Store Whores, Douchies and Torso-Pants

welcome back to the side show known as Curiosity In The Curtains.

since i last left you i have seen and done a few things that just wrecked my head in such a way that i felt it was needed to pass them on to you all. let me hook your noggin up a bit...

#1. when i go to a store and i see someone coming down the aisle that i'm on, with three kids and basket in tow, i try to be kind and move out of their way because i can clearly see that they have more going on than i do at the moment. it is, to me at least, common courtesy. what i realized friday was that those two words can become detached from each other and become "common" and "courtesy". i was in the "i'll move out of your way" senario friday at the big blue, pacific islander raping, sweat shop we all know i'm referring to. i saw a guy, with his kids (3 of them) and his almost full basket which was stuffed 3/4 of the way full with school shit and microwave meals. it was my good deed for the day to move out his way, as his day was looking pretty haggard. this cum-stain and his walking ejaculations decided that it was nice of me to do so and then proceeded to match me: move to move.


so, i had done my good deed, now i could balance it out and be a jackass, which i did quite well. i rolled my eyes at him and kept walking. i heard from behind me the phrase "sheeet, he beht not roll him eyes ageen".

yes, that was the phrase in full phonetic glory.

i had to say something, so i did. "i tried to be nice by moving OUT of your way. you then moved INTO my way. take your 'never going to be anythings' and stay the fuck away from me. your ignorant fucking ass is the reason why white power groups still haven't given up. thanks, you almost god-like failure of a person". if you're wondering if i said this in front of his kids: yes i did. those kids needed to see that just because somone calls themself a "grown up" or "adult" doesn't mean that they can spitefully do whatever they want and get away with it. i explained my side THEN schooled this asshole in public, in front of his kids. fuck him and the basket he was pushing around like such a big fucking "man".

#2. i was taught, as a child, to value having a job and to want to do my job as well as i could. i know there are people out there like me. i also know that there are people who have been laid-off and WANT to have a job to value. i know that, so i try to help them when i see them. however, as we have all seen many times before, there are people like the over-praised pussy fart that calls himself my "co-worker" who think having a job is more like a hobby. he is a spoiled little white bitch who thinks that his part time contribution is worth as much as my full tim contribution. your mother-fucking-self (KYMFS).

i was talking to another employee about tomorrow being a heavy duty kind of day with a shitload of work to do, to which the pussy fart in question replied, "psshh, no work for me tomorrow. score." so, yes again, i had something to say to him and all of his manly lackings: "wow, you're so fucking gay it's pathetic".

okay, i know there is going to be a shit storm coming my way for that one, i know. the ONLY reason i said that particular phrase (which doen't make it right or kosher, then again i'm no jew) is because i KNEW FOR A FACT that those words would make him shut the fuck up and rethink his statement.

he's a spoiled rich boy who only works part time...part of the time. that is such a fucking waste of time. i know four people who would work his shift and work at my pace with my dedication. instead, our company hired the weakest cracker in the bunch so that they could mold him into a bigger waste of genetic material.

i long for his sports car in flames. yes, yes i do.

#3. if you sell t-shirts and they are back-ordered you should really put that in the "add to cart" part of the web page. seriously, where is your IT crew updating your shit?!


i ordered two shirts from a great band i love, via a secondary merch spot, and when i completed the novel of shit to get them i got the confirmation e-mail and it was then that it was made crystal clear that: "we had them and we could have them to you, as soon as we might be able to find more of them".


i really want them, so i will be nice and wait the 2 to 8 weeks for them to arrive into my grubby little hand-ables. to say i am unpleased is a grave understatement. i desire these torso-pants and i desire them now. at least i should have them before halloween...maybe...6 more weeks to know for sure.

enjoy the coming fall kiddo's, it is sure to be a fun one.


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