welcome back, you habitual little word junkies.
recently i went back and started listening to some music i've neglected for quite some time. you know those angsty, chuggin, riffy albums of metal that just spoke to me as a teen. a couple of the artists include: Marilyn Manson, Society 1, Nine Inch Nails, Ministry, Danzig etc. upon looking into one of these artists i found a couple of websites that made me sit back and read a bunch of outrageous shit. i'm all for freedom of expression in most forms and i'm all for belief in certain lifestyles. the thing, or things i should say, that threw me for a fucking loop was the ideals and regulations of an organization that bordered on sheer comedy.
the organization, which i will not promote by naming it, has a reading list in size that it is comparable to what you would need to complete a four year college stint and earn a degree. sure, reading isn't looked down upon by yours truly, but the amoutn of stuff in this listing is fucking ridiculous. also, the terms and conditions of being a member of this organization border on the insanity and lack of sense that comes along with being a scientologist.
if anyone wants to be tom cruise or john travolta, please, do any of the following, except be a scientologist:
#1. pretend you love a woman when you know, clearly, that you're gay.
#2. name your child after a means of transportation.
#3. end your career on oprah by jumping and down on a couch like a kid with ADHD who is out of medication.
#4. let your kid slowly and fearfully die when you could've called tom cruise, who by scientology standards, can heal people by touch.
the un-named organization that i speak of claims itself to be THE group for transcendental satanism and esoteric being. my question is this: "who determined this to be true and viable?!" what person or people inside of this organziation felt that they could make that statement and just have people go with it? who indeed? i can give you some clear reasoning that will send their claim down in flames, much like the Spaceship Columbia.
i took the time to download and read the various PDF files that outline their belief system, rules and regulations, goals, ideas and outlook on their organized collective. while reading this mass of redundant (yes, repeated over and over and over) word stuffs it became absolutely clear to me that these people, who refer to everyone else as "mundanes", have next to no work ethic in preparing their message and texts for the world, that they themselves, wish to overthrow and recreate.
it saddened me to spend the bandwith and time to get these materials and find that the majority of them are repeats. i'm not talking snippits of stuff used here and there, but rather full sections of their doctrine being copy and pasted time after time after time with different file names.
if you're going to overthrow "mundanes", as you so feverishly and spitefully have titled them, wouldn't it make some sense to put in the work and retype and rework this stuff in order to show your dominant power?!
also, who the fuck thought in their "dark magick" glory (yeah, the "C" AND the "K") that it would be okay to 1990's style scan some graph paper and notebook entries, that remind me of shit i wrote when i was young and angsty AND back in middle school, and call it a set of reliable texts for an entire belief system?!
come the fuck on you "sinister magick" fuckwads! grow into puberty and show some fucking backbone when it comes to re-vamping your own shit from behind a keyboard. forget scanning the shit, show me the motherfucking satanic might of your "sinister magick" hands and retype the things you say you believe in. isn't it worth the time, or is it too hard to spice up your doctrines, requisites, texts and life laws?!
here is what i think on the matter:
if you are going to claim pride and dominance over ANYONE you should man up and really show it, NOT ONLY in your practices but also in the way you present your entire system of belief. do you think for one nano-second that there would be so many christians in the fucking world if the bible was some boring "all text all the time" kind of book that was shamefully thrown together like a fat girl's outfit?!
here, let me enable your already "sinister magick laziness" further:
many of the bibles, that these pathetic shit mongrels despise, were highly decorated with beautiful pictures that depicted the stories held within the multitude of pages. i'm not going to say that i'm signing off on the christian ideals and thought process but, i have to give them the "one-up" in the sense that they knew that it is much easier to grab the attention of many with "them danged ole picture books".
what does that say about the ever rising "satanic magick" rectal warts? they desire to overtake, destroy and re-create the ENTIRE WORLD but they can't even take the time to edit, type and re-vamp their own fucking shit. how do expect anyone to take you seriously when you speak of the "re-creation" of an entire world and the people therein if you can be even be bothered to spend time fixing the infantile, poorly combined, down syndrome scan job cluster-fuck that your is your explantion of all that you are?!
it would be safe to say that your entire organization is an infantile, cluster-fuck collective of poorly combined, down syndrome infected, cum stain dumpster babies who lack the simple work ethic needed to put together PDF files.
you will never, ever, be capable of overthrowing a world, much less the abortion clinics that you call your dwellings.
boys of the organziation:
you couldn't beat your dick without your balls getting off three punches first.
ladies of the organization:
it is easy to bullshit around when you're all fucking children, specificly, angsty boys.
boys of the organziation:
you couldn't beat your dick without your balls getting off three punches first.
ladies of the organization:
it is easy to bullshit around when you're all fucking children, specificly, angsty boys.
please, do yourselves a two favors:
#1. get a battery operated hearts like Dick Cheney and stand next to industrial sized microwaves.
#2. get your leader, George W. Bush, pile into your intelligence lacking warship "Magickly Sinister Texas-Glory" and set sail for the Samali pirates who will gladly rip your colons open and make you eat that rabbit pellet sized shit that you call your brains.
"Magickal" Yours,
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