Monday, November 7, 2011

Subtle Shades And Overtones

flourescent, geometric clouds hung low over our heads inside the constricting cell that we devoured within. somewhere, just outside of my sight, i could hear the daily banter of numerous voices singing songs and babbling mad tales of the dangers of teen angst bullshit. oh how the weak fall prey to their own linguistic trappings, their vernacular atrocities, poised like pit vipers ready to strike and suffocate them if only to end the starving feeling from inside.

those tiny hands spread out from across the table, decorated in ink blotches, sweat and lust. i could've died right there, staring into her devious eyes, wanting her skin on my skin.

i had to shake it off, at all cost.

the days progressed in a slow, sickening manner that worked like cancer on the soul. we ran into each other often, sizing each other up and then parting ways, it was our dance that we would never start or finish. the voice came from over my shoulder, in perfect timing with her foot steps, and soke the simple idea to me over and over again: "you her..because...she to." the subtle shade of her little voice and those pitter patter of sneakers.

my heart was slowing down toward death, my mind was racing toward light speed and my blood boiled in my veins with the heat of my longing and lust for the razor winged angel that giggled and teased me with her tiny hands and devious eyes. it was grudge-fuck at first sight, with a secondary objective of needing to show this creature the bliss of being held like a delicate doll, being protected by steady hands and loved with a heavy heart.

Corrin was leading me again. she took me by the hand, showed me the devious eyes that needed to be needed and whispered again, "you her...because...she to." i ignored Corrin's request and wandered off into the land of broken soil, cheerful expressions and simple desires played upon by the demons of the earth.

the overtones of despreation in my voice were lost on deaf ears and new life.

somewhere, just beyond the horizon line, i felt her crying for steady hands and a heavy heart.


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